波特兰 Indoor 空气质量 服务
Enhancing the 空气质量 of 千亿体育娱乐平台s In 波特兰 & 周边地区
美国环保署将室内空气质量差列为公众健康的五大环境风险之一. 这个国家有超过5000万过敏患者和2000万哮喘患者, 千亿体育娱乐平台 wants to help improve your indoor air quality and overall health.
我们自豪地在波特兰提供广泛的室内空气质量服务,这些服务已被证明可以有效地去除常见的污染物,如灰尘, 污垢, 头皮屑, and other viruses and bacteria in the air.
As a company that truly cares about your comfort and health, 我们致力于为您的家庭提供最可靠、最有效的空气质量系统.
今天了解您的选择,并获得波特兰室内空气质量服务的免费报价, and the surrounding areas. 千亿体育娱乐 at (503) 783-8488!
How Can You Improve The Indoor 空气质量 Of Your 千亿体育娱乐平台 in 波特兰?
市场上有许多简单有效的空气质量解决方案,可以改善波特兰家中的室内空气质量. Depending on our findings, 我们可能会推荐我们提供的一种或几种空气质量系统.
- 空气过滤器 – Media filters trap potential airborne contaminants as small as .3 microns before they circulate through your home.
- 空气净化器 -空气净化器采用静电技术和传统空气过滤器的组合,可去除高达99%的空气颗粒*,小至0.1微米.
- 紫外线灯 -紫外线照射可抑制污染物在源头的生长, minimizing dust and 污垢 accumulation on coils, reducing airborne particles, and improving system efficiency.
- Fresh Air Ventilation System -旨在最大限度地减少能量损失,同时将新鲜空气带入您的家中,全年排出不新鲜的空气,而不会使您的系统过度工作.
- 增湿器 -在家里保持水分,帮助缓解鼻窦发炎, 皮肤瘙痒, 静电, and even cracked woodwork, 壁纸, 或油漆. 加湿器可以帮助你节省能源费用,因为加湿的空气比干燥的空气更温暖,所以你可以把恒温器设置在较低的温度.
- 除湿机 -因为家里太潮湿也会对健康造成严重影响, 家具, 基础问题, 我们提供高质量的除湿机,帮助您从室内空气中取出一些水分. These systems are can also help with your comfort and energy costs, especially in the summer, as lower 湿度 means cooler air.
我们还提供空气平衡测试,以进一步提高您的家庭舒适度. 这个过程可以让你确定暖气和空调的气流量, 确保家里有足够的温度.
If you and your family are always experiencing hot and cold spots, 我们的空气平衡测试可以帮助我们确定问题区域,并相应地调整您的暖通空调系统.
What are Signs of Bad Indoor 空气质量?
Some common signs and symptoms of poor indoor air quality include:
- Frequent coughing, sneezing, or a stuffy or runny nose.
- Exacerbation of asthma symptoms.
- Increased incidence of respiratory infections.
- Worsening of allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes, throat, or skin.
- Increased sensitivity to allergens like 花粉 or 宠物毛屑.
头痛和疲劳: Frequent headaches or feelings of fatigue without an apparent cause.
Eye, Throat, and Skin Irritation:
- Red, itchy, or watery eyes.
- 喉咙痛或干.
- Skin rashes or irritation.
气味: Unpleasant or musty odors in your home.
模具增长: Visible mold growth on walls, ceilings, or other surfaces.
- High 湿度 levels leading to a damp feeling in the air.
- Condensation on windows or walls.
浑浊的空气: A persistent feeling of stuffiness or a lack of fresh air.
过多的灰尘: More dust accumulation than usual, indicating poor air filtration.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Symptoms: 头晕、恶心或神志不清等症状可能表明一氧化碳泄漏. Install CO detectors to alert you to this danger.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Symptoms like headaches, 恶心想吐, 或者眼睛和喉咙受到刺激可能是由于接触到某些清洁产品中的挥发性有机化合物, 油漆, 和家具.
氡接触: 氡是一种无色无味的气体,可以从地下渗入家中. It's a leading cause of lung cancer. Testing for radon is crucial in areas with a known radon problem.
通风不良: 缺乏足够的空气流通,会导致室内污染物的积聚.
如果你经历了这些症状,或者注意到霉菌生长或奇怪的气味, it's essential to take action to improve your indoor air quality.
This may involve improving ventilation, 使用空气净化器, reducing the use of VOC-containing products, and addressing any potential sources of pollution, 比如泄漏, 湿度, 或者一氧化碳.
在某些情况下, 咨询专业的室内空气质量专家可能是必要的,以确定和纠正这个问题.
Why Should You Use Carbon Monoxide Alarms?
我们的使命是改善室内空气质量,保证客户安全, we also offer carbon monoxide alarms.
这些报警器使用复杂的电子设备和无与伦比的传感器技术来检测和记录室内空气中循环的CO水平. 你可以在一个大的,易于阅读的数字显示器上监控你家里当前的CO水平.
When dangerous levels of CO are present, 一声, audible alarm alerts you and your family automatically.
What Are The Benefits of Investing in An Air Purification System?
你知道室内空气的污染程度是室外空气的五倍吗? Poor indoor air quality can have a negative impact on your health, 导致过敏的, 呼吸系统问题, and other health problems. 金字塔式供暖 & 冷却, 我们提供最先进的空气净化系统,帮助您在波特兰的家中呼吸更清洁、更健康的空气.
Benefits of our air purification systems include:
- Removal of allergens, such as dust, 花粉, and 宠物毛屑
- Elimination of harmful bacteria and viruses
- Reduction of odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- Improved respiratory health and allergy relief
- Enhanced overall indoor air quality
我们的专家团队可以评估您的室内空气质量,并根据您的特定需求推荐最佳的空气净化系统. Don't compromise your health and well-being. 立即千亿体育娱乐,安排咨询,开始在波特兰的家中呼吸更清洁的空气.
Free estimates are available! 在线千亿体育娱乐 或者打电话给我们 (503) 783-8488 to get started with our 波特兰 indoor air quality services!
What Makes Us Your Best Choice?
健康家居倡导者We're not just here to change your equipment. We want the overall health of your home to THRIVE.